Our Commitment to Canadian Labor Standards on Child Labor

At Regal Confections Inc., we are unwavering in our commitment to uphold the highest ethical standards in all aspects of our business operations. A core part of Social and Ethics policy is our strict adherence to Canadian Labor Standards on Child Labor. We recognize that child labor is a severe violation of fundamental human rights and poses significant risks to the well-being, development, and education of children.

Our Policy on Child Labor

1. Zero Tolerance: We maintain a zero-tolerance policy towards child labor. Under no circumstances do we employ children or engage in any practices that exploit child labor.

2. Compliance with Laws and Standards: We fully comply with the provisions of the Canada Modern Slavery Act enacted in January 2024.

3. Supplier and Partner Expectations: We extend our commitment to our entire supply chain. All suppliers, subcontractors, and business partners must adhere to our strict standards on child labor. We conduct regular audits and/or assessments to ensure compliance and take immediate corrective action if any violations are found.

4. Continuous Improvement: We are dedicated to continuously improving our practices and ensuring that all our employees and partners understand and support our stance on child labor.

5. Transparency and Accountability: We believe in transparency and are committed to openly sharing our efforts and progress in ensuring that there are no children employed in our operations and supply chain. We encourage stakeholders to report any concerns related to child labor through our established grievance mechanisms.


Our Responsibility

As a responsible corporate citizen, we understand our role in contributing to a world where children are free from exploitation and can enjoy their right to education, health, and a secure childhood. By adhering to and advocating for stringent labor standards, we aim to foster a fair and ethical business environment.

For more information about our policies and initiatives regarding labor standards, please contact us.

Thank you for supporting our mission to create a safer, fairer world for all children.